For the development of "VOLUMEZERO" and "VOLUMEONE," many people have contributed their talent and valuable time. I would like to express my special thanks to my colleagues: Kim Junghoon, Hideki Ogino, Kentaro Hirano, Sasaki Nagi, Keiko Kinuta, Masaru Ando, Miho Ishii, Andreas Bovens, Junko Sawada, Yutaka Ohga, Maki Yamamura and artists who willingly provided their materials for experimentation.

I also would like to extend my sincere appreciation to a dear friend, Ms. Ritsuko Segawa, who has inspired me to launch this project. She is definitely one of the best producers of audio tour guide for museums in Japan. Ms.Segawa has been a long time representative of Antenna Audio, London, for Japanese market until June 2005 and now has a close working relationship with Ophyris systems of France.

Development of the "VOLUMEZERO" (introduced as "VOLUMEONE" at the time of its release on May 10, 2006) was made possible by the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology. The Research Institute for Digital Media and Content, Keio University has been established as a part of Encouraging Development of Strategic Research Centers Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.


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